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A Glimpse of Our Reviewers

Ala-Eddin Al Moustafa, PhD
Professor of Molecular
& Cellular Oncology
Founder and CEO of ABS
Research Review and Consultation
Dr. Moustafa was a professor at the College of Medicine of Qatar University, he is also still affiliated with his previous institution, the Oncology Department of McGill University, as an adjunct professor. Dr. Al Moustafa has been a cancer scientist since completing his PhD at the Institute of Cellular and Molecular Embryology of the CNRS, Collège de France and the University of Paris XIII (Paris-France) in 1992. He did his training as a postdoctoral fellow at McGill university (Montreal, Canada). Afterwards, Dr. Al Moustafa held a position as a PI and an A. Professor at the Lady Davis Institute (LDI) for Medical Research of JGH and the Oncology Dept. of McGill University, respectively. Dr. Al Moustafa published more than 160 papers, book, and book chapters on different aspects of human cancer. Dr. Al Moustafa’s main research focuses on the roles of several oncogenes, gene cooperation and oncoviruses in human carcinogenesis and metastasis. He is also interested in cancer drug discovery and delivery using nanoparticles.
On the other hand, Dr. Al Moustafa established the Middle Eastern Association for Cancer Research (MEACR), and its official scientific peer-reviewed journal, the Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal (CCIJ) in 2009 and 2011, respectively.

Kailash Chadha, PhD
Emeritus Associate Member & Associate Professor of Oncology
Department of Molecular & Cellular Biology, Roswell Park Cancer Institute
Department of Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo, NY, USA.
Dr. Chadha got his Ph.D. degree in Virology from the University of
Guelph, Ontario, Canada. After his graduation he spent two years as a fellow of
National Research Council of Canada. Following that he joined Roswell Park
Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York. His research interests include cellular
and molecular biology of Herpes viruses, Interferons and Prostate Cancer. More
specifically, he is actively involved in developing New Biomarkers for early
detection and management of prostate cancer and the physiological role of
prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in regulating prostate tumor growth. He
published well over 125 publications, written several book chapters and
currently holds six U.S. patents. He is currently on the editorial board of several
international scientific journals, including: International J Nephrology & Urology, J
Pathology & Genetics, International J. Medical Biotechnology &
Genetics, Advances in Modern Oncology Research, Journal of Clinical and
Laboratory Investigation Update, Journal of Cancer Immunology & Therapy,
International J Cancer Research and Molecular Mechanisms, Journal of Nephrology
Research. His research is supported by the NCI, American Cancer Society,
National Multiple Sclerosis Society, and EMD Serono Inc.

Fatima Mraiche, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of Alberta
2023 Vargo Teaching
Dr. Mraiche completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees
at the University of Alberta, afterwards, she joined the newly established
College of Pharmacy at Qatar University (CPH-QU) in 2020.
Mraiche investigates the role of ion homeostasis and signaling pathways
mediated through transporters, Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1 and sodium glucose
co-transporters, in cardiovascular disease and lung cancer.
Dr. Mraiche was
able to secure research funding from national and international funding institutions
(Qatar Foundation, European Society of Cardiology, L'Oreal).
She has more than
50 peer-reviewed publications in international journals. She is also an
editorial board member of the Journal of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry.
Dr. Mriache is currently enrolled in the 2024 FoMD Leadership Course at the
University of Alberta.
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